April 19, 2021Madeleine Bong on April 19, 2021
Your self reflection is your liberation...my liberation...our liberation.
~ madeleine bong
As I spoke about in Episode 1 in my podcast, off the mat, education has been the greatest tool to soothe my nervous system. Why? Because it's given me the knowledge to better understand myself and others, and the knowledge that I am not alone in my experiences. The resources below are wonderful ways to begin your journey in standing in solidarity with BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. We all play a role in the toxic system of white supremacy, not one of us is free till we are all free. This takes time and take it at your own pace, all I ask is you continue to place one foot forward at a time. Together we can cultivate a world that is safe, compassionate, and respectful for ALL BEINGS.
Take a moment to pause and breathe if you feel triggered, defensive, upset etc... this isn't easy work, but it is work that needs to be done. Your self reflection is your liberation...my liberation...our liberation.
Lastly, I'd like to thank my sister, Mabelle Bong, for sharing a lot of these resources with me.
This page will continue to grow as I do too. Please check in every now and then as I update with more resources. Also feel free to reach out if you have additional readings that you think would be useful.
Embrace Yoga's Roots by Susanna Barkataki
Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Stress and Trauma by Dr. Gail Parker
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
off the mat by Madeleine Bong Yoga
The Magic of Pranayama in Supporting Anxiety Attacks
Here I share my first anxiety attack experience and how my nervous system quickly turned to my breathing exercises. I never thought I would have such a strong anxiety attack and under the water nonetheless!
Resources to find support, education, and community
A list of resources to educate and support BIPOC communities. This page will continue to grow as I learn too. I will be looking deeper into LGBTQ+ resources as well, stay tuned.
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